Tongue Tied

Poor oral function, gross motor delays, shoulder tightness, core weakness, reflux, constipation and other GI issues, raspy voice... these are all things that can be caused by restriction in the mouth. WHAT?! On top of issues with bottling, Jack was experiencing symptoms related to ties that affected his whole body. I was truly blown away.

Jack and Ben's Birth Story

Jack and Ben are mono-di twins. Mono-di is short for monochorionic, (one placenta) diamniotic (two amniotic sacs). There are lots of risks involved with mono-di pregnancies and they’re monitored closely by perinatologists. Pretty early on, we learned Jack’s share of the placenta was smaller than Ben’s, and he also had a marginal cord insertion, meaning his umbilical cord was attached to the side of the placenta, rather than the center of his share. Both of these things were monitored closely, and Jack was diagnosed with Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction (sIUGR).